We at SPI mourn our dear friend, brilliant colleague, Advisory Board member, and certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist, Marion Solomon.
Marion contributions — her many books, the keynotes and courses she taught, the Lifespan Learning Institute she founded over three decades ago with Matthew, the amazing yearly conferences she ran for decades — have strongly impacted the field of psychology and made it better. Deeply admired and respected, Marion inspired us with her teachings, her creative, thoughtful mind, her humility, and her lifelong passion for learning (Marion enrolled in SPI’s rigorous certification program, and achieved certification.
But more than that, it is who she was, her personhood, that will live on in our hearts and minds. Marion so beautifully embodied the essence of what she taught: that relationships and connections are far more important than anything else in the world. Challenging a culture that valued independence from the outset, Marion cherished our interdependence in her work and in how she lived her life. She dedicated herself to this value, treasuring her family above all, helping others build attachments, working with her clients to heal relationships that were failing, creating conferences and gatherings that were uniquely non-competitive and inclusive, with a focus on sharing among presenters and with the attendee.
Marion loved to create opportunities to bring together people that she thought would enjoy one another, and she was delighted to watch those connections happen! Marion deeply understood that love and enhancing connections while supporting differences are what the world needs, now and always.
We are forever grateful to Marion for her generous spirit, her friendship, her participation on our advisory board, for the opportunities she provided to showcase SP, and for all she taught us. She is greatly missed, but never forgotten. Marion lives on in what she modeled in her work and her life: to draw on our interdependence rather than prize independence, to look for places of connection instead of separation, to honor differences in contrast to using them to divide us. May we live up to her legacy!