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Denver Alumni Event | Level II: An Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for  
Developmental & Relational Injury 

With Pat Ogden, PhD, Laia Jorba, PhD, & Liz Long, LPC, LMT
September 30, 2024, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm MT | Online via Zoom 

Traumatic, attachment and developmental issues often become deeply intertwined, shaping how individuals experience life, relationships, and themselves. Join Dr. Pat Ogden and your Denver colleagues as we explore Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Developmental & Relational Injury and effective treatment strategies to address these overlapping challenges.

Join us for the free introduction to Denver’s Developmental and Relational Injury Training and you’ll discover –

  • How Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can bring lasting change to those struggling with the impacts of developmental injury.
  • About the upcoming Denver Level II Training coming this Fall
  • Meet Denver’s SP Certified Trainers and Community

This introduction is ideal for clinicians who have completed Level I: SP for Treatment of Trauma and want to deepen their understanding of how to navigate the complexities of developmental trauma while facilitating healing at the somatic, emotional, and cognitive levels.

Ready to deepen your skills and transform your practice?
Click here to learn more and apply to Denver’s Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Developmental & Relational Injury.