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Aneta Stojneva-Cicovska , MSW, RCSW
I specialize in facilitating the journey towards post - traumatic growth following trauma, PTSD, attachment injuries and similar adversities.
Highest Level Completed
2-Developmental Injury
Session Formats Offered
Online Video, Individuals, Couples, Family
Kathy Le, MA
Spruce Grove
I am a registered provisional psychologist practicing in Spruce Grove, AB with over eight years of experience in mental health.
Highest Level Completed
1-Trauma Themes
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Telephone, Online Video, Individuals
Carolyn Brenton, M.Ed., R.Psych
St. Albert
780 394-5720
Private practice for 35 years working primarily with military veterans and first responders experiencing PTSD and other trauma related symptoms.
Highest Level Completed
2-Developmental Injury
Session Formats Offered
Telephone, Online Video, Individuals, Couples