For the last 19 years, I have been practicing as a trauma informed Gestalt/Integrative/body informed psychotherapist, primarily in private practice in England. For the last nine years, I have also acted as a supervisor to a range of organisations and individual therapists based locally and in Europe. I have thousands of clinical hours experience and have worked with a wide range of clients, primarily suffering from the legacy of developmental, attachment (relational) based trauma and/or complex trauma involving overt and covert forms of trauma (physical, sexual and/or emotional neglect and abuse). For the last seven years I have incorporated sensorimotor approaches into my work and since 2022 have qualified as a certified (Level III) practitioner. Alongside my clinical roles, I have also had, or continue to have a number of academic roles at Masters level, including Primary Tutor, Academic Consultant and External Examiner at Metanoia Institute, London and peer reviewer for the academic journal 'British Gestalt Journal'. Prior to becoming a psychotherapist, I used to work in business as a management consultant. I specialised in strategy and transformation, supporting organisations through complex change, drawing on my knowledge of what makes change difficult; how we get stuck and/or self-sabotage and what support is needed to loosen the system and facilitate the longed for changes in our lives. My work is generally long term though occasionally I offer short term contracts.
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