Christina Dickinson

Christina Dickinson


Christina Dickinson, CAC II, is a founding trainer of SPI, a certified addictions counselor in Colorado since 1992(NLC.0000580), and is a mentor for SPI’s Trainer Development Program.

She also has a private practice in Boulder, CO. Christina is certified in both Hakomi Therapy and Focused Expressive Psychotherapy and was the co-creator and facilitator of Whole Person Health Center, a family program for outpatient treatment center in Boulder, CO from 1989- 1994. Trained in a wide variety of treatment modalities including, EMDR, Pia Mellody's model at The Meadows, and hospice, she teaches internationally on the subjects of trauma and addiction.

Christina is actively consulting on SPI’s curriculum projects with a focus on the integrity of the SP method and principles.


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