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Dr. Debra Ruisard
Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New Jersey and New York providing both in-person and virtual sessions.
Highest Level Completed
2-Developmental Injury
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Telephone, Online Video, Individuals
Debra A Haverson, MSW, LCSW
My focus is on helping people build awareness of personality strategies, somatic responses to events, and ways of interacting in relationship.
Highest Level Completed
3-Advanced Integration
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Telephone, Online Video, Individuals, Couples, Family

This is a directory of therapists who have completed courses offered through the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (SPI) professional training program. Practitioners in this directory must be authorized to practice as mental health professionals, but this is not independently verified by SPI. We recommend that you do your own due diligence determining the licensing or registration status and disciplinary history of any clinician. View our full disclaimer >

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) Therapist Training Program

Additional Resources

Psychology Today Therapist Directory

United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP) Therapist Directory

We strongly recommend that therapists listed on the SPI Therapist Directory offered at update their listings annually.