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Samantha McDonnell
+61 (0)448 818 402
Sam specialises in complex trauma, dissociation & attachment injury, working within the frameworks of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, TIST, IFS & EMDR.
Highest Level Completed
2-Developmental Injury
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Online Video, Individuals, Couples
Lia Ranson
Clinical Psychologist. Supervision. Accredited Individual Schema Therapist, Supervisor-Trainer.
Highest Level Completed
1-Trauma Themes
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Online Video, Individuals, Family
Patricia Preston
+61 448 973 994
MSc (Psychology), BA, Assoc Dip Arts (Human Services)
Highest Level Completed
SPI Approved Consultant
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Online Video, Individuals, Couples, Group
Ashley Young
I strive to help individuals understand their own internal resourcefulness, in the presence of neurological disorders and/or mental health concerns
Highest Level Completed
1-Trauma Themes
Session Formats Offered
In-Person, Telephone, Individuals